Step Parent Workshop
"Step Mum Survival"
Saturday 1 August 2020
9:30am - 3:30pm Now fully online
This workshop isn't like all the others.
This time, it's all about you.
Step parenting in hard
You're the key to everything!
Being a step parent shouldn't be like it is for you.  You know how you want things to be but you're working at it all alone.  Whether your partner is your husband or you've only just moved in together, things aren't how you imagined they would be - or how they should be after all the work you've done and sacrifices you've made.
If you agree with any of the statements below, you are EXACTLY who this workshop was created for.
  • Alone: You feel like you're doing it all alone
  • Sacrifice: It feels as though you're making all the sacrifices 
  • Unappreciated: You do everything for everyone and no-one acknowledges it and it's often thrown in your face - not just by the kids but also by your partner
  • Disrespected:  You and your partner aren't on the same page anymore (if you ever were).  He doesn't respect your decisions, your parenting skills or style and because of that, the kids show you no respect
  • Uphill Battle:  Things are getting worse, not better, and it doesn't seem to matter how hard you try or what you do
  • Lost yourself:  You've given so much of your time and yourself to your bonus kids that there's nothing of you left - for your children, your friends or family, or for you (let alone your partner)
  • Your own kids are losing out:  You treat all the kids the same but because your step children demand so much, your own children often are left out or lose out and sometimes, your partner leaves them out on purpose
  • Impacting all aspects of your life and who you are:  You've given up plans with friends, work is compromised, you're failing your own children and you don't even know if it's worth it anymore
  • There's one rule for his kids and one rule for your kids:  You're not a team and your kids feel different, they feel left out and when you bring it up, you are the one causing trouble
  • Walk in the Park:  You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you didn't think it would be this hard
  • High Conflict Ex:  The mother(s) of his children creates more drama and conflict than Cyclone Tracey
  •  You love him:  He's your soulmate, the love of your life, and it's breaking your heart because you just don't know if you can do it anymore
There's how you dreamt it would be ...
There's how it actually is ...
About the Step Parent "Step Mum Survival" Workshop
Your family is not like other families, but you do have things in common with the women beside you.
You're giving everything to a family you chose, but you don't know how much longer you can choose them ...
Get answers, tips, strategies and tools for these issues and more ...
How do you stay with the love of your life when his kids are killing you.
 Your kids are starting to learn the bad habits of your bonus kids and you don't know what to do about it.
There's chaos every single time his children come for the weekend or the school holidays.
Their mum hates you and even though you know they love you, you can see her words are impacting them.
You're tired of fighting with your partner about his children.
Your partner can never see how his kids impact the family dynamic OR his kids never do anything wrong.
How to prioritise your own children without making your bonus kids feel left out.
How to love everyone equally.
What to do about the disrespect.
Appreciation, is anyone ever going to appreciate everything you do, and all your sacrifices.
Drama Queen conflict and how to manage it.
Why does he never prioritise you, why are you always second best.
What is all this doing to your body and mind.
Are you going crazy?

Get 'real life' tips to make things different straight away.

Discover what stress does to your body and what you CAN do about it.

This is not just 'theory' - you'll practice what you learn.

How you can use conflict to your benefit - even with your step-kids.

Ways to exit the Drama Queen from your life for good.

Get back to how it's suppose to be.
happy couple step mum
happy step family

If the biggest obstacle between you and 'happily ever after' is the Drama Queen bio-mum, there's only one thing you can do.  Discover how to 'exit drama queen' once and for all.  It wouldn't matter who you are or what you do, Drama Queen would hate you and try to get her kids to hate you too.  Make your home and your life a Drama Free Zone and finally get on with your life, being the mum and partner you want and know you can be.  
It doesn't HAVE to be this hard.  
Change is scary and daunting, but it's also liberating and the key is not a secret. Don't waste another day.
Kirsty Petersen
Conflict Coach, Family Mediator
If you're struggling, feeling alone, being taken for granted and disrespected and you've had enough but don't know what to do and not sure you CAN do it anymore, you've come to the right place.  

Creating the life you want doesn't mean sacrificing all you are for people who came as a bonus with the love of your life.  
There are absolutely things you can do, and this workshop is where you'll discover what they are.  

Change doesn't have to be huge and difficult.  It can be just one little thing done differently - that has a huge impact. Let's see what needs adjusting for you so you don't wake up everyday wondering if today will be the day you finally break. 

Whether you've just merged your lives and it's not what you thought it would be, or you've been giving it your all for ages - YOU have the power to make it different! "
Copyright 2020 - Co-Parenting for Your Kids
7 locations across Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Logan Village
postal address: 138 Juliette Street, Greenslopes, Queensland, Australia 4120
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